Human & Vehicle Classification Technology

Human & Vehicle Classification Technology main image Human & Vehicle Classification Technology image



LTS has released a new range of Platinum products designed to pin-point human & vehicle events.

This will help filter false alarms caused by weather and animals. 

When human & Vehicle Classification events are triggered, instant push notifications will be sent through the LTS Connect app. 





Compatible Models:

  • CMIP3362W-28AIM
  • CMIP3382W-28AIM
  • CMIP3D82W-M28
  • LTCMIP3C82W-28MDA (coming soon 8MP Colour247)

More info

NVR Compatibility:

NVR Model LTN8704Q-P4N LTN8708K-P8 / LTN8716K-P16 LTN8608-P8 / LTN8616-P16 LTN8932H LTN8932H-P16
Human / Vehicle Classifcation Basic Standard Advanced Advanced