Firmware Australia

Firmware Australia main image Firmware Australia image

WARNING* Upgrading from V3 Platform to V4:

1. Disable password first

2.  NVR 5, must upgrade to V3.4.96 first. Please download from USA 

3. Factory Reset NVR / DVR

4. If NVR/DVR was purchased before December 2018* please read - Upgrade Notice


LTN8704Q - V3.4.110 Build 200608

LTN8704Q-P4N V4.30.216 Build 220314


Active Guard: V4.61 Build 230703

Setup Guide 

(Web Browser)

(Local NVR Monitor)

Compatible on (LTN8608-P8 / LTN8616-P16, LTN8916H, LTN8916H-P16, LTN8932H, LTN8932H-P16, LTN8932H-P24, LTN8932-P16, LTN8932-R, LTN8964-8, LTN8964-R)



CMIP3D82W-M28 (G3) -  5.5.800 Build 211014   - Upgrade notes

CMIP3C42W-AIM28 (G3) 5.5.800 Build 210628 - Upgrade notes

CMIP3362W-28AIM (G5)  - 5.7.1 Build 220613

CMIP3D82W-M28 NEW  (G5) - 5.7.1 Build 230330 (fix audio bug) 

ANPR (AU Plates Customised)

CMIP7923WLPR-32R - 5.5.121 Build 220414


4G - Routers





*The firmware utilities here can cause permanent damage to your product if applied incorrectly. Before downloading any firmware updates, verify the firmware is appropriate for the specific model number of your product and that itโ€™s being updated in correct order. To avoid incorrect usage, we recommend you to please contact your LTS specialist for guidance.